Fire Suppression Systems & Fire Extinguishers

Restaurant Fire Suppression Systems
The Right Fire Suppression System Stops a Grease Fire Dead In Its Tracks
When your business runs a busy kitchen, the safety of workers and customers, as well as your ability to operate and be profitable, greatly depends on the ability to quickly detect and suppress fires. Restaurants face a higher risk of fire emergencies than many other industries, and a fire emergency can happen at almost any time. It is absolutely essential to make sure your commercial kitchen’s fire suppression system is always operating as effectively as possible to ensure your Denver, CO or Front Range area restaurant will not go up in flames.
If you have a restaurant or commercial kitchen in the Denver, CO metro or Colorado Front Range area, contact Elite Hood Cleaning & Fire Protection Co. to schedule a kitchen fire suppression system inspection today. We can help you determine whether your system is perfectly fine, if it requires necessary parts replacements or upgrades, or if you may want to consider having a new fire suppression system installed. Our expertise will help you ensure your restaurant will always be properly protected during a fire emergency.
• Fire Suppression System Inspections
• Parts & Accessories Sales & Installation
• Fireproofing Materials Installation
• Customized Fire Suppression Systems
• On-Site Coordination & Installation
• Required Plans, Permits & Approvals
We also service the following types of Fire Suppression Systems:

Fire Extinguisher Inspection, Sales & Service
Keep Those Visits from Your Local Fire Marshall Stress-Free and Uneventful
If you don’t know for a fact that your Fire Extinguishers are up to date and able to pass inspection, then it’s definitely time to contact Elite Hood Cleaning & Fire Protection Co. Our Fire Protection Experts will conduct a thorough inspection, recommend any upgrades or replacements, and provide you with the all-important yellow inspection tag that tells the Fire Marshall that your business is in good standing with the applicable fire safety laws for fire estinguishers.
Ouf-of-date fire extinguishers can result in stiff fines for your business. And of course, it’s always better to have the peace of mind that in the event of a fire, your fire extinguishers will be primed and ready to meet the challenge of stopping a minor fire incident from developing into a full-blown fire disaster.